Category Archives: Finished projects

Moon Crystal Power

The hardest thing about having moved away from my hometown kind of surprised me in the end. Of course I miss the people: my family and friends. But I’ve found that when I’m homesick, what I am homesick for no longer exists. Sometimes my visits home actually leave me feeling even more detached than before I arrived.

That’s why it’s been so important for me to maintain personal relationships with those people. It’s become really important to remind myself that what I really miss is the people, not the place.

So in the interest of maintaining those connections, I got together online with some friends back home for a bit of a nerd-fest. We watched the new Sailor Moon Crystal reboot together online with synced up video and Google voice chat. It was wonderful, and we’re going to do it again in a few weeks.

Sailor Moon Crystal. OMG a Sailor Moon reboot you guys!!!!

My English course is going really well. I submitted assignment #4 last week and am keeping a pretty good pace. I’ve done a good job of getting ahead during the week so that I don’t have to worry about course-work on the weekends.

Last weekend was the first one in awhile where I wasn’t overbooked. The only thing I had was the Sailor Moon Crystal online party with my friends, other than that I went for a run, did some cooking, and did a crap tonne of laundry (so exciting!).

I even managed to do some knitting. I finished a project I’ve been working on since December and I’m so excited to show it off. I’ve been wanting to knit a Christmas tree skirt for years, and now I have.

My completed Christmas tree skirt. It only took me 7 months.

The pattern was written by Teva Durham (ravelry link) and I found it in Handknit Holidays. I used Knit Picks Brava worsted and didn’t change anything about the pattern except for the bind off. I used Fleegle’s no-wrap short row technique and it worked amazingly. I can’t barely see them, even with the doubled yarn. And when it came to binding off, instead of carrying the red up the side and binding off normally, I decided I wanted to add buttons. I followed this video tutorial for an i-cord bind-off that incorporates button loops. It worked so well!

The button loops on my Christmas tree skirt
My finished Christmas tree skirt, complete with buttons loops and an i-cord bind off

There was a bit of a dark spot this week. One of our two guinea pigs, Fessik stopped eating and then passed away. The vet couldn’t find anything wrong with her. We had her on anti-biotics, but I guess she was already too sick. Goodnight, sweet piggy. We will miss you.

Fessik: 2011-2014

Clean slate

I don’t know what it says about me that I haven’t blogged in 4 years. I used to do it fairly frequently. I’m pretty sure I even had regular readers. Since 2010 I have participated in a few weddings, moved twice, bought a house, gained a housemate, and somehow managed not to scare away my husband. I’m reasonably certain the only thing that hasn’t changed is my place of work. Oh, things at work have changed, but I’m still there. And there have been big Life Events this year. In April I got called for jury duty. That was an eye-opening experience if there ever was one. I live in a very nice, tidy, safe little corner of the world my friends. So after 2 weeks of my life were sucked up by civic duty, I took off for my first trip to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival with some very nice ladies I knit with. There have been lots of visits from family and friends, and I think it’s my turn for a summer of visiting them. The only dark spot has been the miscarriage I had in June. But we have lots of happy things planned for the rest of the year, so I have that to focus on! I’m currently working on an online English course at Athabasca University, I’ve started running again and have plans to do the Terry Fox 5km this year, and we have two camping trips planned this year: one with some local friends, and another with some not-so-local friends. I’ll be in KW this weekend for a family reunion, then back again in August for another one. With all that to look forward to it’s hard to find the time to be depressed about things you have no control over.

Let’s get to the knitting!

There has been so much that it would be ridiculous to try and get into all of it, so I won’t even try. I’ll pull out some highlights from the last 6 months or so: I knit the most wonderful sweater for my brother’s dog, Pedro:   Then there’s this very cute tunic for my niece: And this very sweet baby sweater with the most adorable bunnies: I have a few projects on the go at the moment. As ever, I have an epic scrap blanket constantly in progress. I have a sweater on the needles and a sweater planned. I’ve also been working on a Christmas tree skirt since last Christmas that is very nearly finished. With any luck I’ll finish it before winter. Don’t laugh! Anything is possible.

Curly Girl and Opulence

First knitting. I’ve been working on a sweater for me since a little bit after my birthday in February. It required a bit of fiddling, since I was between sizes and decided to use a yarn with a completely different gauge than the pattern called for.

Pattern: Opulent Raglan
Source: KnitScene Winter 2008
Yarn: Moda Dea Washable Wool (discontinued)
Needles: 5mm
Size: to fit 36-inch bust (34-inch)

I extended the neckline by about 2 inches after reading that some people find the neckline to be higher than in the pattern photo. Now that the body is finished, I can see that one inch would have been fine.

I’m giving this pattern a “difficult” rating because of all the math and figuring out I had to do, but 5 stars because it’s a beautiful pattern and well-worth the effort.

Other mods to length include adding 4 inches to the the length of the waist (before hip-increases), and am adding 1.5” to the bottom of the sweater. I then added a 1.5” 2×2 ribbed hem instead of the fold-up the pattern suggests.

OMG I am so happy with this!

Last week, I went off shampoo. I also went off sulfates and silicone. I’m extremelly happy with how my hair is looking these days, and if you have curly/wavy hair, check out Seriously. Go there and learn!

I also finished another Christmas gift. This one is a shawl for my mother-in-law.

Pattern: Andrea’s Shawl
Yarn: Knit Picks Andean Treasure
Needles: 4mm

Ravelympics and muffin-donuts!

I finished a pair of fingerless gloves yesterday while knitting at the pub with some friends. The gloves are actually an Christmas present, so I’m getting started early! I’m really happy with how they turned out, and they even qualify for a few Ravelympics events! The pattern is Cigar from and they were made out of knitpicks Wool of the Andes.

I found a recipe awhile back for muffin-donuts. Or, muffins that taste like donuts! I made them this afternoon and they are just awesome! The only modifications to the recipe I made were that I used shortening instead of butter for the muffins, and used mini-muffin trays instead of big ones. I used butter for the topping. They’re delicious!

Long-awaited update

I really must get back into blogging. I keep finding excuses to not do things I need to do. I’m even slacking with replying to emails, which is so not me! I promise I’ve been knitting. I’m participating in the Hot Cocoa Swap again (and mailed out my package this afternoon). I’m even participating in the Ravelympics this year. I have my first FO under my belt.

I started a pair of Fetching gloves in January, but I added fingers. These fall under the WIPsDancing event, and I’m very pleased that they’re done. Before and after pictures!

I’m also extremely pleased with the bunny I knit for the Hot Cocoa Swap 2010. He’s made out of some yarn in my stash that I dyed in a workshop in Perth. He’s awesome, and I’m particularly proud of the embroidery. And the tail!

Let’s see… what else can I show you? OH! I knit a pair of lined mittens for my sister in law. They’re made out of Miraso K’acha and it’s beautiful! She loves them 🙂

I really have been doing a lot of knitting but this is the highlights. Check me out on Ravelry (riizu) if you want to see more. I’m really going to try and blog more often again. Happy winter everyone!

Where did April go?

I mean, holy crap. I haven’t posted in ages, and I am sorry. There has been lots of knitting going on, so I will sum up best I can.

At the end of March I finished Topaz (ravlink) for my niece, Emma’s first birthday. Unfortunately I was sick this weekend, and missed being able to give it to the happy proud parents. My fiance did it for me though, and ensures me there were appropriate oohs and aahs.

I finished my double knitted, dk weight cowl and it’s beautiful. I even managed to wear it a couple times before the weather got nice.

I finished the woodland shawl for one of my bridesmaids as a thank you gift:

Knit a kitchen set for my brother’s wedding, which is this weekend (!!!)

And finished knitting a thank you shawl for my Maid of Honour just last week.

Major progress was made on my fiance’s sweater; both front panels are done, as well as the back. The sleeve caps are intimidating!

And I even knit a baby blanket for charity! Whew… I’m glad I got that off my chest. I’ll be away for the next week or so for my bro’s wedding, and hopefully will be back to show you more knitting (and maybe some pretty wedding pictures, who knows!)

Spring knitting

This has been a big week for me… Monday night Chris took me to see Fleetwood Mac at Scotiabank Place as my birthday present ^__^ It was so awesome and I am very very happy. One more off the list of bands to see before they die… hmmmm maybe Blue Rodeo should be next…

And in case you’re worried, I’ve been knitting. Knitting a lot! I finished the baby dress for my niece. Her birthday is in a month but I think I’m going to give it to her early… this weekend because I just can’t wait! The pattern is Topaz by Yumiko Sakurai and it’s just the cutest thing ever. I’ll hopefully have a full photo this weekend… the lighting wasn’t great and this was the only decent shot:

I’ve also been working away at a double knitted cowl. Finished it today, and have decided that I LOVE the grafted bind off on this. It took just forever to knit, over a month, but the yarn is so beautiful, and it’s just so soft… it really was worth all the effort and time.

Spring is in the air… I feel it coming, and I hope you do too 🙂


FO: Elizabeth Hat and some crazy math

A couple weeks ago, I decided I needed a warmer hat. Good for me, I decide this just as the weather is slowly starting to get warmer. lol I have been enjoying wearing it though, and for the colder days have really enjoyed having something warm this is more stylish than my other winter hats.

The pattern is the Elizabeth Hat by Jane Richmond (Ravlink). The pattern is available for free through Ravelry as a download, but she does have an Etsy shop. This pattern is awesome because it can be worn two ways; slouchy or as a typical folded hem hat. The yarn I used is thick so it’s warm, and the cable pattern kept things interesting. I also managed to whip this one off in just a few hours, so it’s an instant-gratification kind of knit.

I have a few notes about this pattern, and how I went about it. Mainly because I’ve come up with a way to handle gauge and sizing differences in patterns; basically I wanted an easier way to modify patterns to suit ME, instead of just pushing on forward and hoping for the best.

The first thing I want to talk about is yarn gauge, theirs and yours, and what to do if you have a different one from the pattern. I really hate that most instructions say to just go up or down a needle size until you get it right. My main problem with this is that, you should be going up or down a needle size to get the DRAPE and FABRIC you want, not necessarily the stitch and row count. A better solution is to modify the pattern itself to suit the stitches and rows per inch that you’ve obtained, once you’re happy with your gauge swatch.

Yes, I said gauge swatch. I hate them, but you must do them. I know the YarnHarlot says they lie (and they do), but we must do them anyway. Humour me. Knit up your gauge swatch, and compare yours to theirs. When I did this, this is what I found (and I ignored row gauge on this particular piece, since I knew that it wasn’t terribly important):

Their gauge: 16 stitches = 4 inches
My gauge: 14 stitches – 4 inches

The first thing we take away from this information is that we have fewer stitches per inch than the pattern. This means, we need to cast on LESS stitches than the pattern calls for. But wait! How do you know how many stitches to cast on? Here’s your answer. Take out your calculator (don’t panic!!) and divide your gauge by their gauge. Example:

16 stitches ÷ 14 stitches = 0.875

Now what do you do with this information? Well, the pattern says to cast on 64 stitches. Since we know that we have to cast on less than that to match our gauge, we multiply their cast on, by that magical number up there:

Their cast on X 0.875 = Your cast on

Example: 64 X 0.875 = 56

So now we can be all excited! We now know that we need to cast on 56 stitches, and that we’ll get the exact same size as the pattern requests! This is great! But wait, doesn’t this pattern have a cable? It does! We need to make sure that our cast on is divisible by 8. 56 is, so we’re safe. But if it wasn’t we would have to decide whether to go up or down a few to make sure that it was. The same thing if you get a decimal. I usually round up, rather than down, since you generally don’t want things to wind up too tight because of faulty math.

Okay, so now we know that Instead of casting on 64, we’re casting on 56 to accommodate the difference in our yarn gauge. So I had another thought; what if my head is a different size from her head? So I went and got out my measuring tape and measured my head. 21 inches. Pretty standard. Okay, So we know their gauge was 16 stitches over 4 inches and their cast on was 64 stitches, so the pattern is going to make a hat that’s 16 inches in diameter. That formula is:

CO ÷ (STS p INCH ÷ 4)  = Final Size.

Example: 64 ÷ (16 ÷ 4)  = 16

Hmmm so with my head being 21 inches, does that mean the hat would be too small? Let’s find out. If I subtract 15% ease from 21, I get 17.75 inches. That means I need to make my hat 1.75 inches larger in diameter than the pattern calls for. Well, that changes everything! Back to the calculator we go.

Desired size ÷ Their size x CO = Revised CO

Example: 17.75 ÷ 16 x 56 = 62.125

Round that number either up or down, and in this case, make sure it’s divisible by 8 and you’re ready to go. So, my final revised cast on is 64. Now, we don’t want to have to go and do this every single time we get to a new instruction in the pattern. That would be crazy! So instead, just divide your new cast on by the original cast on in the pattern to get a new number.

Your new cast on ÷ Original pattern cast on = new number

Example: 64 ÷ 56 = 1.143

Now all you have to do is multiply every stitch reference in the pattern by 1.143 to get your new instruction. This is really easy for a hat pattern, because often the only stitch reference is in the cast on, so you only need to do all that work once. But if you are working on something with shaping, and it tells you to Knit 10 stitches, then do something else, all you do is multiply 10 by your magic number up there, and instead of knitting 10 stitches, you would knit 11.4 stitches, or round it down to 11.

You can use this same theory for row guage too. But often instructions are given in terms of length, not in terms of rows and you probably don’t need to worry as much about it. I hope this has been helpful, because i know that this has changed the way I think about knitting and gauge.

It gets pretty complicated if your completely changing a pattern based on both gauge and size, but if you only have to change one of the two factors (size OR gauge) I’ve summed it up for you. Follow the above directions as a guide to changing a pattern completely.


Their gauge ÷ your gauge = magic number (to be applied to all references to stitches)


Their cast on X Their stitches per inch = x

Your size (plus or minus ease) ÷ x X  their cast on = y

y ÷ Their cast on = magic number (to be applied to all stitches)

Happy Knitting!

Garter Stitch Jacket and knitting math

I finished two projects this weekend. The first was on Friday night at a Bridgehead knit-night. I finished the garter stitch jacket that I’ve been working on for all of January! For those who don’t recall, I received the yarn as an AWESOME birthday gift from my fiance’s parents last year. My birthday is rolling around in about a week, and I wanted to make sure I had the jacket done before then. I am so happy it’s done! It’s squooshy and it’s warm. It’s only a little itchy, but that’s fine by me. I plan to use it at work since I tend to get cold.

I made some pretty crazy mods to this pattern in terms of the width. Upon reading the pattern, I learned that it was intended for a woman with a 43 inch bust. I do not have a 43 inch bust, I have a 34 inch bust. Heeding some advice of other knitters, I factored in 2 inches of positive ease, and figured that I could reduce the width of the entire pattern (aside from the sleeves) and have a jacket that fits me, instead of mystery-43-inch-bust lady. Here’s what I did:

36 divided by 43 is 0.837. I figured that if I multiply everything in the pattern I get the stitch count I need. For example, the pattern starts by telling you to cast on 66. If I multiply 66 by 0.837, I get 55.24. So I cast on 56 stitches and get the proper stitch count for my size! I did this anywhere that it told me to do anything width-wise. So, when it told me to cast off 10 stitches, I cast off 8. I kept the rows the same, because I had no qualms with the length of the jacket, just modified the width of everything else. Go on, try it! You’d be surprised at what you can do.

Watch for my next post for even more knitting math-tips, where we factor in more than just size differences, but yarn gauge too!

Fleece Artist Garter Stitch Jacket

Source: Fleece Artist
Yarn: Fleece Artist Baby Kid (1.75 skeins), and Fleece Artist Kiss Curls (0.75 skein).
Needles: US10 and US8

Wilbur and Retrofit

The last few weeks have been full of snow, knitting, and life. I’ve been doing a lot of knitting, which I guess isn’t really news. I did finish part of the package I’m putting together for the Hot Cocoa Swap. I have named him Wilbur, and he’s awesome. I really think the wings make the pig ^_^

wilbur the flying porker

I have also been knitting away on the garter stitch jacket. I’m about 10 inches into the first sleeve and it fits really well! I had a bit of drama trying to figure out the sleeves at first; I didn’t realize they were knit flat, then seamed. Now that I get it, I feel really silly. Pictures soon, I promise.

After much discussion, I have decided to knit Retrofit for my fiancé. I showed him lots of pictures, and we discussed colours for a long enough time that I think he’s sure about things. We’re going with Knit Picks Swish Worsted in Jade for the body, and Squirrel Heather for the arms. Check out my doctored photo 🙂

retrofit-final colour selection